Selasa, 21 Februari 2012


Diceritakan ada seorang remaja yang bernama Siti Marisa Hafsyah, yang sekolah dibangku kelas 3  SMA yang biasa dipanggil icha, Sudah lama ayah dan ibu marisa bercerai karena sesuatu hal.
Dipagi hari marisa sedang tertidur lelap, wajahnya pun tersinari dengan matahari.
Marisa : (didalam hatinya sambil tertidur) I do not want to get up but the sun makes my eyes uncomfortable.
“ marisa terus berusaha memejamkan matanya tetapi akhirnya dia terbangun karena tak kuat menahan sinar matahari yang menyinarinya “
Marisa : huuuuahhhh (menguap) hah today I forgot I was clerk of the ceremony. (bergegas untuk mandi)

Dia memiliki ayah yang bernama Pak Abdul dia adalah seorang pemilik yayasan Al-ihsan tempat sekolahnya Marisa, juga memiliki dua orang kakak yang duduk dibangku kuliah bernama billy yang manis dan henly yang pintar.
Mr. Abdul            : marisa what are you? was later cepet late afternoon! (teriak)
  : yes (jawabnya singkat dan langsung keluar)
Mr. Abdul
            : What do you dream of late at all?
  : no dad just a little lazy to get up just hehehehehe, yu then we better be late again.
“ Marisa memiliki 4 sahabat yang benama Denida, Yeni, Regina,  dan Elissya,mereka sudah bersahabat semenjak mereka duduk dibangku SMP tak dapat dipungkiri jika mereka sangat solider mereka tergabung dalam berbagai macam organisasi seperti OSIS Paskibra dan voli “
Denida  : HEU what you dream up this late!
  : hahaha not dream of anything, so sorry my friends.
   : yu's time we start training soon tuh 15 minutes.
Mereka pun mulai latihan dan upacara benderanya pun berjalan sukses dan petugas upacara diberi istirahat sampai pukul 08.15 mereka semua sedang makan nasi uduk dikantin.
Yeni       : eh comrades later school volleyball selection we have to represent our school ... (perkataannya dipotong oleh yola dkk)
Yola        : hm do hope you can beat our volleyball team hahahahaha (tertawa bersama teman-temannya)
  : (berdiri membela diri)eh must not talk later .... perkataannya dipotong kembali oleh geng yola)
Resha    : ah we going to waste time (dengan wajah judes)
  : that people can not we be allowed to take action!
  : We do not have to prove it with our game, come on spirit J
Mereka pun mulai melakukan kegiatan belajar dan bel pulang pun berbunyi
Denida, Jenny and Regina already said goodbye to go home, stay elissya and marisa is not home yet.
  : do not cha come home?
   : not yet picked up waiting. why are you not home?
  : I want to accompany you here J
   : ih good you (memeluk marisa)
  : yes, must J
Setelah elissya pulang dia pun langsung menemui ayahnya dikantor sekolah.
Marisa : Assalaamu'alaiku father (sun tangan)
Mr abdul              : eh, smart girl who's father was home , going home now?
  : the father is over yet?
Mr. Abdul
            : not yet but could be postponed tomorrow.
  : still a lot?
Mr. Abdul
            : baseball why yu go home,
  : yu ...
Marisa dan Pak Abdul pun pulang bersama .
Dirumah ...
“ dirumah marisa dan keluarganya sedang makan malam bersama, hal itulah yang membuat mereka masih harmonis walau tanpa seorang ibu “
Marisa  : kak it why? (menertawakan) hahahahaha funny: D
    : HEU (dan diam)
        : You do not so! brother you again want you to catch the eye sore?
  : ooo, yeah so emang infectious disease?
Mr. Abdul
            : yes dear, you do your sister hina hina-so, not good emang ajarin your father like that? do not disgrace my father.
    : yes father emang contagious, I also contracted from my friend, almost all of one class of eye disease.
Mr. Abdul
            : yes have you wear glasses are here let us not infected, no offense ya hehehehhe J
    : yes sir henly well understood.
  : Icha that again brother charmed see this eye sore.
Mr. Abdul
            : shoo you! (memperingatkan )
  : yes yes yes sorry  J
Mr. Abdul
            : it eats?  ya go to sleep.
  : yes my dear father ... . :) icha first chamber first icha ya ya  brothers and sisters all icha first yes.
“ marisa pun pergi ke kamar “
Keesokan harinya ... Dikamar marisa
Marisa  : I really eye sore? why do my eyes? My father's father ... (teriak)
Mr. Abdul
            : why care?
  : I was also reddened eyes.
Mr abdul
              : ooo, this might be infected, we'll come home from school to Dr. Muti yes.
  : but shame shall dad icha to school with an eye like this.
Mr. Abdul
            : nih wrote you wear sunglasses.
  : icha shy dad.
Mr. Abdul
            : icha!
  : yes.
Marisa and Mr. Abdul
pergi ke ruang makan.
Henly    : why do you wear glasses?
  : hm (diam)
Dengan iseng henly langsung melepaskan kacamata marisa dan menertawakannya
Henly    : hahahahaha, so do not insult people be subject to the stone.
Mr. Abdul
            : shoo you already have the same fast food!
setelah makan mereka pun pergi ke sekolah “
Disekolah ….
“ Marisa berjalan dengan malu-malu menundukan kepalanya dan semua teman-temannya melihat dengan aneh dia pun berlari menuju bangkunya “
Denida  : what's wrong with your eyes?
  : Just baseball eye sore.
  : try where at?
  : or you'll be infected again.
  : contagious?
(perkataan mereka terpotong dengan perkataan iseng yola Dkk)
Yola        : since from this school when it allows students to wear sunglasses to school! trensenten want to be you?
                : hm, we'll just let me wear blue glasses more fashionable: D Hahahahahahaha (yola DKK tertawa)
Regina, Yeni and elissya newly arrived and immediately connect the conversation.
  : heh that you ja .... (Cut by marisa)
  : hus we just let it promised to prove we selected volleyball skill later.
  : but that as it needs to be taught a lesson.
  : let God do not have to repay all their deeds.
       :  you why?
  : she's sore eyes ...
   : ooo, yeah speaking of volleyball how to prepare now?
  : Good heavens I forgot to come home from school I have to go to the doctor!
  : oh you can not cancel a moment? because it is important to us?
  : yes I've told my father later.

Pulangnya ...
Marisa  : father icha cancel a minute yes to dr. Muti her.
Mr. Abdul
            : what is it?
  : there is a volleyball game this afternoon.
Mr. Abdul
            : oo yes but you do not push yourself ya.
  : ok!
lalu …
Malinda                : not taste very good friend if we must fight against a team who are sick,
                       : not good why?
                : yes if when we win, we are ashamed of playing with people who are sick. Hahahahahahaha
  : you do not have to think like that I was able to play well anyway, and besides I only have sore eyes.
Resha    : ok we wait for the field Yu et al. (mereka pergi)
“ Pertandingan pun dimulai, awalnya baik-baik saja tapi lama kelamaan marisa merasa pusing dan tak lama kemudian hidung nya pun mengeluarkan darah teman-temannya pun mulai panik dan membawa marisa ke pinggir lapangan “
Yeni       : You what?
  : not know all of a sudden out of the blood alone,
   : yes I call you dad.
Marisa hanya diam dan temannya yang lain terus berusaha menahan darah yang keluar dari hidung Marisa. Ayah marisa pun datang dengan wajah yang panik .
Mr. Abdul            : come on father told me not to impose our medicine now.
“ Marisa hanya diam dan pergi tanpa berpamitan pada teman-temannya “
Dirumah sakit
Dr. Muti               : how can I help you?
Mr. Abdul
            : this is not my son this morning reddened eyes hurt, but now he's a bloody nose.
Dr. Muti
               : ooo, let me check my spatial.
“ Marisa pun ikut untuk diperiksa oleh Dr. Muti setelah selesai keluarlah mereka berdua dari ruang pemeriksaan “
Mr. Abdul            : (bergegas) how the state bu my daughter?
Dr. Muti
               : marisa be out for a while? there are mothers who want to talk with your father.
  : yes .
Mr. Abdul
            : you do not go anywhere later lost (candaannya)
  : yes father, my father thought icha HEU was a kid: P
Marisa pun keluar
Mr. Abdul            : how ?
Dr. Muti
               : I was very surprised with the results of my examination earlier.
Mr. Abdul
            : emang how things my daughter?
Dr. Muti
               : are you ready to hear it all?
Mr. Abdul
            : I'm ready yes.
Dr. Muti
               : from the examination that I had done was the daughter father infected Rabdomiosarkoma
Mr. Abdul
            : hah what disease it was not?
Dr. Muti
               : This disease is widely said to be classified as cancer.
Mr. Abdul
            : Good heavens cancer (sangat panik)
Dr. Muti
               : true father daughter Rabdomiosarkoma infected or cancerous local language software
Mr abdul
              : sorry bu I do not understand the disease, but how can my daughter get cancer from an early age he was never attacked by any disease, the doctor joke huh?
Dr. Muti
               : sorry sir, but that the results of the examination earlier.
Mr. Abdul
            : Good heavens (menagis) so I have to do?
Dr. Muti
               : how to overcome that cancer did not spread throughout the body of the father's daughter, only by surgery, but the operation was able to spend half of the face of the father's daughter.
Mr. Abdul
            : what the doctor is there another way?
Dr. Muti
               : no sir.
Mr. Abdul
            : well I think first I need to discuss with my family.
Dr. Muti
               : you should take a decision quickly because the cancer is rapidly spreading throughout the body. And can endanger the life of the father's daughter.
Pak badul
            : well thank you doctor.
Dr. Muti
               : you welcome
Pak abdul pun keluar dengan mata yang sembab karena habis menangis.
Marisa  : what the doctor had said bu father?
Mr. Abdul
            : okay you just plain sore eyes can be cured with medicine. (dan ayah marisa langsung memeluknya)
  : oh dad,I’m shame
Mr. Abdul
            : ashamed why?  father is a sign of affection with you. Let's go home you immediately break it.
Sehabis pulang dari rumah sakit itu sikap pak abdul sangat aneh, dia suka menyendiri dan sering melakukan shalat tahajud.
Marisa  : (dalam hati sambil memandang ayahnya) father why different attitude huh? Why now is he's changed, often tahajud father begged and prayed for guidance, there must be a father to hide.
Saat marisa tertidur pak abdul berdiskusi dengan kakak – kakak marisa
Mr abdul              : henly, billy here!
    : what is it dad?
        : yes there are what seem serious.
Mr. Abdul
            : marisa cancer.
Billy and direct henly
        : yes the father?
    : not possible
Mr. Abdul
            : yes it is true evidence of its audits.
Henly and billy
   : Good heavens
        : how severe?
Mr. Abdul
            : he had entered stage 3.
    : once poor brother. how to cure?
Mr. Abdul
            : he said the surgery but may spend a portion of the face marisa, the father did not want to father children with disabilities, the father must find another way.
        : We are looking for traditional medicine alone, how?
Mr. Abdul
            : yes father also thought that hopefully can be resolved.
Keesokan harinya
Saat marisa dikamar dia merasa sangat pusing dan darah kembali mengucur dari hidungnya .
Marisa  : dad! Brother! (teriak)
Mr. Abdul
            : what is it? ( melihat putrinya bercucuran darah dia sangat panik ) you are not in school right now we have to treat your pain first.
  : What actually icha sick father?
Mr. Abdul
            : never mind just a little cold and tired it.
  : justify it then marisa school. a moment's examination.
Mr. Abdul
            : do not you're sick.
  : icha fine dad,
Mr. Abdul
            : you need to rest a few days. (As he was busy holding the blood)
Marisa : Why should break my father says it's just the flu.
Mr. Abdul
       : dad says you need a break.
Selama 7 hari marisa dan keluarganya mencari pengobatan tradisional, tapi semuanya nihil hanya menambah penderitaan marisa .dan makin lama marisa pun makin sering merasa pusing.
Marisa : yes father may marisa school?
Mr. Abdul
       : yes please, but you will continue to be supervised.
: Why dad? icha's just plain sick.
Mr. Abdul
       : yes no what you'll awake,
Disekolah kawan-kawan marisa menyambut dengan meriah .
Elissya : What you're sick for a long time so no school?
: I'm just plain sick.
: yes I'm also really concerned with you, because you do not say anything on the day it is. I'm afraid you have nothing with you.
:  eh we'llJThank you for caring as I am, you just calm I'm not okay  work my father's group at the office, yes, I'm curious as to where I missed the lesson.
            : yes yes school. be happy.

Bel sekolah pun tanda akhir berbunyi .
Marisa : yes father joined the working group.
Mr. Abdul
       : yeah, but my father would go outside for a while yes.
: yes, my father had to borrow a pencil icha miss ya.
Mr. Abdul
       : yes just take ditas (pak abdul lupa kalau hasil pemeriksaan dokter disimpan ditasnya)
“ marisa membawa tas ayahnya ketempatnya kerja kelompok dan dia penasaran dengan amplop yang ada ditas ayahnya “
Marisa : What ya contents of this envelope?
    : eh you do not really rude.
: hm you want to learn bad.
            : let me try to see who knows the letter for you.
Saat membuka surat tersebut marisa dan teman-temannya merasa kaget karena isinya adalah surat pemeriksaan marisa, marisa dan teman-temannya pun langsung diam tanpa kata .tak berapa lama ayah marisa pun datang
Mr. Abdul       : how group work?
: why my father kept it all? (Sedih)
Mr. Abdul
       : What are you talking about?
: This is why my father kept it?
Mr. Badul
        : so you already know?
: yes, why my father kept it a secret?
Mr abdul
         : cha sorry dad does not want you added burden.
: but why? why fathers should do all that? icha angry!
Mr abdul
         : cha sorry.
Marisa pun langsung pergi berlari keluar ruangan sambil menangis “
Elissya : Mr. justify it happened to our friend?
Mr. Abdul
       : that's what you look like.
    : icha pity, at the age of the young must accept this heavy trial.
Mr. Abdul
       : Thank you guys care about my daughter.
: father, I want to marisa for now.
Mr. Abdul
       : yes please. she coaxed him let him entertain burdened.
Regina dan elissya pergi mengejar marisa sementara itu denida dan yeni berbincang dengan pak abdul .
Denida            : marisa father if the cancer can be cured?
Mr abdul
         : the father is still looking for ways tebaik. only way the doctor recommended surgery.
    : why not just surgery?
Mr abdul
         : the problem can spend a skillful advance marisa, her disabled father would not want to see his disability.
            : pity this friend
Mr abdu
          l: therefore when you watch him with a good yes.
Denida and Yeni
         : ready to.
Sementara itu ...
Elissya : icha stop!! (sambil berlari mengejar)
berhenti tetapi masih menangis.
Regina : You do a case that, icha that I know do not like this.
Marisa langsung memeluk elissya dan regina sambil menangis dan berkata
Marisa : Why do I have to accept all this?
: yes you are patient, it would all work out.
: I'm scared: '(
: You have to stay strong, be patient and pray God would give way. Now our office to your father again,
Tiba dikantor ...
Mr. Abdul       : sorry ya dad, dad just did not want to be burdened, the father is still trying to find a way out for all this.
: yes sorry icha also been angry at my father.
Teman-teman marisa pun berpamitan pulang pada ayah dan marisa .
Elissya : yes we are saying goodbye.
Mr. Abdul
       : yes careful on the road. Icha also soon go home you go ahead.
: Assalaamu'alaikum
Mr. Abdul
       : waalaikumussalam.
Marisa dan pak abdul pun pulang dan setelah sampai dirumah marisa tidak berucap apapun dan dia langsung bergegas kekamarnya. Sejak itu marisa tidak mau keluar dari kamar .
Mr. Abdul       : cha eat first.
diam tidak menjawab
Mr. Abdul
       : cha let you do this,  let you eat healthy or you'll be even worse. marisa quickly here you are used to not like this, you do not be afraid of us strive together to cure your disease.
: is that correct?
Mr. Abdul
       : she would always accompany my father.
Marisa pun keluar dan mau makan dan berakitivitas kembali .
Marisa  : father icha school tomorrow yes.
Mr. Abdul
            : not yet cha.
  : six months icha it odd semester exams.
Mr abdul
              : let me not have to take a break for six months is still a long while.
Mereka sekelurga pun makan bersama .
Billy        : I have a friend's father a doctor who specializes in cancer.
Mr abdul
              : ooo, yeah who is he? Where?
        : name dr. Ibnu near kok still around bandung too.
Mr. Abdul
            : you go there tomorrow, tomorrow we go there. cha soon you will be fine.
marisa hanya tersenyum
Henly    : hm, beautiful younger sister is not as active as first yes, sister elder brother missed the first. dong let your spirit fear not definitely cured.
  : yes thank you brother.
Keesokan harinya ...
Mereka semua bergegas untuk segera pergi menuju tempat dr. Ibnu .
Sementara disekolah...
Yola        : Where is that friend?
  : is it true you want to know?
       : yes we want to know that I miss just feel like making fun of him again.
   : he can not school a few months ahead.
Malinda: emang what's with your friends pregnant?
  : heh you must not talk to ya!
       : Kalia's friends out why?
       : is it true you want to know?
Resha    : yes we want to know.
   : he is sick.
Resha    : ill be fine for months will not inclusion.
   : he is sick .... (Elissya tidak kuat menahan sedih dia langsung pergi sambiul menangis)
       : why his?
  : you really want to know why marisa? emang you care?
Resha    : actually no, but we want to know the state of our enemies.
  : marisa infected with software that attacks cancer near the eye.
Yola dan gengnya pun terkejut dengan berita itu dan menggeparkan semua isi kelas .
Resha    : is that correct?
  : yes he is a bloody nose when it's not because he was tired but because the cancer has started to propagate the virus gets his nose.
        : forgive us for our impudence in the spoke.
yenny   : We understand, yes, but you do not apologize to us, you apologize to marisa
       : where we can meet them?
  : we'll be able to tell if you have permission from his father. now he is doing the treatment.
        : let us go first.
                : Yes.
Sementara itu marisa sudah sampai ditempat dr. Ibnu .
Dr. Ibnu                : how can I help you?
Mr. Abdul
            : My daughter contracted cancer doctor software can help our doctors?
Dr. Ibn
u                : ooo, could but with chemotherapy.
Mr. Abdul
            : why is there but the doctor? emang what happens if you do chemotherapy.
Dr. Ibn
u                : the father of a teenage daughter so that the process of injecting chemotherapy drugs into the bloodstream harsh father children, the impact will be felt cold, and nausea due to the effects of hard drugs. Need courage and strength of the father's daughter to do the chemotherapy.
  : I'm sure I could be a doctor. I'll skip all that whatever the origin of my recovery.
Mr. Abdul
            : icha father proud of you (while rubbing his head)
Dr. Ibn
u                : ok, chemotherapy six times per month. I hope your daughter did not give up.
Mr. Abdul
            : I believe she was able to pass through.
Dr. Ibn
u                : Let's first chemotherapy  tomorrow.
Keesokan harinya, marisa sudah siap untuk melakukan kemoterapi pertama dia ditemani oleh ayahnya, proses kemoterapi pun dimulai . marisa mulai merasa dingin dan menggigil dan merasa mual-mula proses kemoterapi berjalan selama dua jam, walaupun menggunakan obat bius tapi rasa dingin itu terasa .
Waktu terus berjalan dan akhirnya kemoterapi enam dilakukan dalam lima kemoterapi kemajuan terjadi sedikit demi sedikit virus kanker yang ada ditubuh marisa pun semakin mengecil .
Dr. Ibnu                : marisa if you are still strong for kemoterapi?
  : I am ready for the doctor.
Dr. Ibn
u                : let us spatial.
Dua jam kemudian proses kemoterapi pun selesai tapi marisa mengalami koma, karena badan marisa mulai menentang obat yang masuk pada tubuhnya . dan pak abdul menelepon teman-teman marisa .
Mr abdul              : hallo, elissya ...
   : yes father how things marisa?
Mr. Abdul
            : marisa comma should you all here.
   : gee, marisa coma?
Mr. Abdul
            : yes you should come here now.
   : Let us be there.
telp ditutup
Regina  : how the state marisa?
   : he fell into a coma, his father told us to be there.
  : Good heavens what else happened on marisa.
  : let me tell yola and his friends.
yenny   : I'm so
Denida mencari yola dan teman-temannya yang ternyata ada di kantin .
Denida  : yola!
        : yes what is it? how the state marisa?
  : she fell into a coma, his father told us that we are there.
       : Where?
yenny   : yes to the hospital!
       : ya mean which hospital?
       : medical center.
Malinda: let's go there.
mereka angsung pergi kerumah sakit utuk menjengung marisa
Elissya   : gee I hope you are strong cha.
Widi       : I'm sure he's strong he's a formidable woman.
  : father why all this happen?
Mr. Abdul
            : during chemotherapy she was not strong entity receiving the drug so hard that she is now like this.
  : loh really strong if not why is imposed.
Mr. Abdul
            : we did not force him even dr. Ibn asked him before the chemotherapy she said she was strong.
Resha: marisa indeed a formidable woman.
Saat sedang berbincang dr. Ibnu pun keluar dari tempat perawatan .
Dr.ibnu : you can see marisa, but he still has not been realized.
Mr. Abdul
            : well thank you doctor.
Dr. Ibn
u                : I go first I will first check the final result marisa disease.
Mr. Abdul
            : well thank you.
Didalam pak abdul dan teman-teman marisa membacakan ayat al-qur’an, sambil menangis dan tangan marisa pun bergerak .
Regina  : marisa hand moves.
Mr. Abdul
            : yeah, cha cha you awake?
  : why how all of you crying? if you go back to sleep crying icha ah. (J)
dan semua terawa setelah mendengar dia mengatakan itu
Mr. Abdul            : thankfully you do not anything very happy father.
        : You are already aware of gratitude, then, icha forgive us because it always makes you sad, make fun of you, really forgive us.
  : okay  J
Dr. Ibnu pun datang ...
Dr. Ibnu                                : Mr. abdul saved your daughter has been cancer free software is
Mr. Abdul
            : really ? thank you marisa alhamdulillah you have healed. :)
Setelah mendengar berita itu semuanya berpelukan .  setelah itu marisa keluar dari rumah sakit dan dia berfoto-foto ria dengan keluarga beserta teman-temannya termasuk geng yola dkk.
Ujian semester ganjil hampir datang marisa terus mencari bahan untuk membaca lewat teman-temannya agar dia memiliki nilai yang baik . ujian semester pun akan segera berlangsung, marisa memulai bersiap-siap untuk pergi kesekolah .
Marisa  : late father come later.
Mr. Abdul
            : you are excited new father child
    : cha ye not eat?
  : aja icha ask bread, but eat kak billy.
        : It still took a new course.
Marisa : smart baseball let my brain like a brother.
    : hahahahaha, what to do (semua orang tertawa) yes it took it, yes the exam success.
: thank you, icha go first ... assalaamualaikum
Billy    : waalaikumussalam (berbicara pada henly) I'm glad he's back cheerfully
  : yes we are a complete family again, unfortunately there is no mother.
    : we acknowledge that there
Disekolah ...
                        : welcome back to school
Marisa tersenyum saja .
Elissya : not really any other word so?
: you all here.
Semua teman-teman marisa mendekati marisa dan marisa pun langsung memeluk teman-temannya, dan berkata.. .
Marisa : I love you all friends.
Dan semua itu terhenti oleh suara bel berbunyi .
Elissya : bell that disturb our time together, yes. so together we must pause till here, so unfortunately we are not in the same room.
: never mind there's still time to rest.
Dan ujian pun berlangsung saat mengisi soal ujian, tetasan darah menetes dari hidung marisa keatas meja . marisa pun langsung panik dan meminta izin untuk keluar kelas . tetesan darah menetes dilantai dan membuat marisa berpikir dia hanya merepotkan orang-orang saja . dan dia kembali ke kelas dan tetesan darah itu sudah menghilang . dan melanjutkan kembali mengisi soal ujiannya , mendengar kejadian itu teman-teman marisa langsung mendatangi marisa .
Regina : cha you okay?
: it's okay, I've been playing my nose a bit confused as to answer questions eh nose bleed so I stuck a pencil.
: it's true?
: yes relax.
: thanks ya then.
Ujian pun selesai dan marisa langsung pulang .
Dirumah marisa melakukan shalat dan berdo’a
Marisa : O God, not again the same thing happens again, I do not want to see my father's brother, my sister and my friends cry for and mourn again.
Hari makin hari darah terus mengalir dihidung marisa . Marisa menyembunyikan semuanya dari ayahnya, dan suatu hari ayahnya marisa menemukan saputangan penuh darah dikamar marisa.
Mr abdul         : whose blood is cha?
: This ... This ...
Mr. Abdul
       : blood is who? icha blood? when you say same ill father.
: sorry father, had some bleeding today continues to hold the eye icha icha also back pain,
Mr. Abdul
       : why are you just saying now? us to the doctor tomorrow ibnu again.
The next day ...
Dr. Ibn
u          : what else?
Mr. Abdul
       : sorry marisa doctor to bleed again and his eyes dihidungnya back pain.
Dr, Ibn
u          : let me check again. marisa come with me.
Marisa pun menjalani kembali pemeriksaan yang sama, dan pemeriksaan pun selesai dr. Ibnu dan marisa keluar dari tempat pemeriksaan .
Dr. Ibn            : Mr. abdul knows what could happen but that's the result I get.
Mr. Abdul: what result?
Dr. Ibn
            : virus cancer came back this time lodged dipelipis marisa eye.
Mr. Abdul
       : what happened? he was clean of cancer!
Marisa hanya tertunduk tak berbicara
Dr. Ibn                        : we can not predict all of it.
Mr. Abdul
       : Let's do it the same for treatment.
Dr. Ibn
                        : sorry sir, but if a second time may not be successful because it will be more immune to the virus again.
Mr. Abdul
       : so what to do?
Dr. Ibn
u          : to have surgery.
Mr. Abdul
       : but it will spend most of the face marisa.
: icha father's blessing if you have to live with this cancer, let alone I hope God heals his way.
Mr. Abdul
       : is that correct?
: icha father's blessing.
Dr. Ibn
            : Your daughter was incredible this.
Mereka pun pulang dan marisa menceritakan semua itu pada teman – temannya dan ia kembali menjalankan aktivitasnya disekolah dengan  keadaan dia sedang kanker . hari demi hari keadaan marisa semakin memburuk kankernya menjalar hampir keseluruh tubuhnya empat bulan pun marisa hidup dengan kanker waktu ujian nasional pun tiba. ...saat  bangun dari tidur nya ...
Marisa : Why can not I move my legs, my God what happened to me? I must be strong! I i is the national exam I must be strong!
Marisa mengganti bajunya sambil merangkak karena dia tidak dapat berjalan .
Mr. Abdul       : icha what are you doing down there?
: icha father could not walk. icha help yah.
Mr. Abdul
       : you still go to school?
: yes icha have to go now.
Marisa pun diantar kesekolah oleh ayahnya sampai kekelas dengan digendong oleh ayahnya .
Ujian pertama sampai kelima berhasil dia hadapi . dan diujian ke enam ...
Marisa : hm, my hands can not move how I blacken this field. I have to ask permission to. mother!
Mrs Audrey
     : yes?
: allow me for help?
Mrs Audrey
     : ask what?
: may I help my mother to blacken this field, let me try to answer because my hands are numb.
Mrs Audrey
     : ok well ...
Ujian ke enam berhasil dia lewati dan saat berjalan menuju luar ruangan marisa mengalami pusing yang sangat memusingkan dan akhirnya dia terjatuh didepan pintu keluar yang kebetulan ada ayahnya, dan segera dibawa oleh ayahnya kerumah sakit. Marisa kembali mengalami koma semua orang datang menjengung marisa dan melakukan hal yang sama membacakan ayat-ayat al-qur’an . saat sedang membaca al-qur’an pak abdul ditelp oleh kepala sekolah untuk segera menghadap kesekolah untuk memberikan hasil ujian nasional marisa . pak abdul pun segera berangkat .
At school ...
Mr. Abdul       : how my child bu pass or not?
Head of school
            : good pack although children were critically ill father but he made amazing results. he came in ranked third best.
Mr. Abdul
       : mothers of children do not even joke about to die I do not invent Ngada mother.
Head of school
            : but this is true can be seen the results by the father.
Mr. Abdul
       : Amazing extraordinary son he was incredible. thank you bu I leave to go.
Head of school
            : yes alike.
Saat menuji sekolah pak abdul berharap saat dia datang kerumah sakit marisa sudah sadarkan diri tapi ...
Mr abdul         : marisa how things are now?
: there has been no progress.
Mr. Abdul
       : marisa arose father wanted to tell you things that baikj.
            : what good thing?
Pal abdul
         : he made it into third place yesterday diujian.
: remarkable in a state hospital he was able to achieve all that, he's just sick can achieve up to that much why we are not as healthy people.
: We really need more spirit again.
Sementara itu marisa bermimpi didalam komanya .
Dia berada disuatu ruangan putih yang indah dan bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki yang berbaju serba putih .
Marisa : I am no where?
  : You have my house, you're doing here?
: do not know all of a sudden I'm here.
  : you are not afraid to look for your father? father later worried you looking for you.
: yes almost forgot I was with my father, but here ya nice, can not I stay here?
  : be. but you had just said goodbye to your father
: yes correct me if I had said goodbye could stay here.
  : yes please.
Dan marisa pun mulai pergi meninggalkan tempat itu, dirumah sakit marisa mulai bergerak . tapi dia tidak bisa berbicara karena kanker sudah mengganggu mulutnya.
Mr. Abdul       : icha icha you wake up?
: father, brother, friends ... (dengan suara yang pelan)
Mr. Abdul
       : marisa ...
: sorry dad if marisa go without saying goodbye.
Mendengar itu Pak abdul dan orang-orang yang ada disana mulai menangis .
Mr. Abdul: okay dad was really sincere, if you want to go-go quietly.
            : Auahdhua (mulai tidak bisa bicara)
Kakak marisa membawa kertas dan bolpoint agar marisa menulis dikertas itu, dengan kekuatan Allah dia pun bisa menulis. Dan dia pun menulis ...
berbahagia dan rukunlah jika icha sudah tiada Happy and harmonise if icha was gone
Dan pada saat itulah marisa menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya setelah 1 tahun behasil melawan kankernya tapi pada saat itulah marisa menyerah, dia telah dipanggil oleh Allah .
Semua berkata ....
Innalillahi wailnnailaihi rojiun
Film ini saya angkat dari kisah nyata seorang remaja berumur 15 tahun yang bernama Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika, perjuangannya menginspirasi kami untuk menceritakan kembali kisah hidupnya, dengan maksud agar teman-teman semua termotivasi untuk belajar lebih keras lagi.  Seperti yang ada dalam percakapan tadi “ dia saja bisa belajar dan menggapai prestasi yang tinggi walaupun dalam keadaan sakit parah, tapi mengapa kita yang sehat tidak bisa “ semoga bisa jadi inspirasi untuk teman-teman juga agar belajar dengan sungguh – sungguh dibangku kuliah dan dimasyarakat.
(I lift this film from the true story of a 15-year-old teenager named Gita Sesa Cantika Wanda, his struggle inspired us to retell the story of his life, with the intention that all my friends are motivated to study harder. As in the earlier conversation "he can learn and achieve high performance even in a state of severe pain, but why we can not be healthy" may be an inspiration to my friends also to learn to really - really in college and the community.)

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